Posts in Features and Headlines
Phoenix Voyager Magazine - Profile of ASAP IVs

The story of any business (or success story really) would be bland without challenges and obstacles. Nearly every major enterprise started with a work ethic and a garage, working through the challenges which arise and dealing with them one at a time. I knew that starting a business, streamlining its service, and eventually expanding would be difficult. I truthfully say that I have enjoyed the process. The journey is more exciting than the destination.

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Warning Signs You're Lacking Vitamin D, Say Experts

Vitamin D is an essential substance our bodies need to maintain strong bones and teeth. It's something we can get from certain foods like egg yolks and fish, but we can also get Vitamin D from the sun when we're exposed to sunlight. When we don't get the proper amount of Vitamin D, a loss of bone density occurs and broken bones and osteoporosis can happen.

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When Is It Too Late To Take Tamiflu?
5 science-backed benefits of vitamin B12 and how to get enough of it in your diet

Adults should consume 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 every day.

  • Vitamin B12 has many health benefits from helping your body form red blood cells to possibly preventing dementia

  • The recommended daily intake for adults is 2.4 micrograms.

  • Vitamin B12 is found in foods such as meat, eggs, dairy, and fish. It can also be consumed via supplement, injection, or an IV.

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Can Hangovers Be Cured by an Amino Acid Supplement? Maybe, Maybe Not

A study financed by a company that manufactures supplements has concluded that a certain type of amino acid can help cure hangovers.

  • Experts note there’s conflicting evidence on the benefits of amino acids as a hangover cure.

  • They say rehydration is a key to getting over a hangover.

  • They add that the best way to avoid the pain of a hangover is to not drink too much in the first place.

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How to Trigger Your Stress Response Less

You may recognize this common experience: You get nervous or scared, your heart races, and your stomach drops.

You can thank the vagus nerve for that.

But this isn’t all the vagus nerve, an important part of your nervous system, does. In fact, it’s one of the primary drivers behind the mind-body connection. Ahead, everything you need to know about the vagus nerve, from how it impacts your fitness to how to stimulate it for better health.

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SD Voyager Magazine - Feature on ASAP IVs

We were lucky enough to be featured in an interview by SD Voyager magazine, to tell a little of our story, how we got started, and what makes us the best provider of IV Therapy in San Diego.

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IV’s on Demand for Hangovers, Vitamins and Recovery

To start off, my name is Dr. Taylor Graber. I am an MD physician from the San Diego area. The bulk of my medical experience and practice revolves around Anesthesiology, which is the medical practice responsible for “helping patients go to sleep” for surgery. This comes in many different forms, from sedation for procedures such as colonoscopies, nerve blocks to help with pain, and to general anesthesia for trauma surgeries and transplants. In all of these different areas, the most reliable way to provide anesthesia is through intravenous (IV) catheters.

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