Interested in learning more about using ASAP IVs as a trusted provider of IV Iron Therapies? Has your physician told you that you have iron deficiency anemia, and recommended you get an IV? ASAP would love to help.
We are a team you can trust - Physician owned practice, experienced and licensed Registered Nurses.
Take advantage of our comprehensive outpatient IV Iron treatments for iron deficiency and anemia. Faster, more comfortable, and less expensive than hospital alternatives. Our team is expertly trained in IV placement - and are discreet, compassionate, and fun to work with!
In addition to IV Iron, we offer a variety of IV hydration therapies at our clinics:
Contact : 619-431-1714 Email:
Encinitas (North County SD, CA)
Contact : 619-431-1714 Email:
San Francisco Bay Area (Pleasanton, CA and Danville, CA)
Contact 415-295-2316 Email
Phoenix/Scottsdale (Arcadia, AZ)
Contact : 619-431-1714 Email:
Fast, concierge service - never have to wait for a courteous, professional response.
Customized packages and discounts for clients.
IVs can be administered safely in our clinic, or in the comfort of your own home.
We are happy to consult with you as a client or with your primary care physician, to get you the care you need, in accordance with any desired protocol.
ASAP IVs aspires to bring genuine value and access to superior healthcare, one needle at a time, to enhance lives and inspire each person to achieve their goals.
Now Offering Iron Infusions
In-Clinic Iron Infusion in Phoenix and Scottsdale, San Diego, Encinitas, San Francisco, and Pleasanton
Have you been diagnosed with iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia? If so, your doctor may have recommended an IV iron infusion to to help you improve your blood iron levels in the quickest way possible!
If so, ASAP is here to help!
ASAP IVs offers 2 convenient options for IV iron infusions:
In one of our relaxing clinics in Scottsdale, San Diego, Encinitas, or Pleasanton
In your home via our mobile IV therapy service
We offer individualized therapies based on your specific needs. Most clients need between 600-1000mg of IV Iron over 3-5 IV treatments to reach their therapeutic goals. To help with pricing, we offer an in-clinic packages for an IV Iron cycle to help bring down the price! (Iron overload is possible, and it is important for our Physician team to assess your iron levels individually with treatment.)
Our goal is to help modernize healthcare by allowing our clients to have a say in their healthcare decision. With ASAP, our IV iron infusion process is efficient, affordable, and convenient.
Want to learn more about Iron IVs and Iron Deficiency?
Why is Iron Important for the Body?
The purpose of all life is to generate energy (more specifically, ATP). To generate ATP, cells need a supply of several different substances, including oxygen. The heart and lungs function to breathe oxygen in (the lungs) and attach it to red blood cells (through hemoglobin in the blood stream) and then pump it to organs which need the oxygen for cellular respiration (the heart pump).
Iron is critical to the formation of hemoglobin, which is a major protein in red blood cells which enables the red blood cell to efficiently carry oxygen. Without sufficient levels of red blood cells (a hemoglobin less than 7 g/dL is critically low requiring transfusion) the body cannot deliver oxygen to cells, and life stops.
What is Iron Deficiency Anemia?
Iron deficiency can occur with or without anemia. Anemia is a medical condition where the body has a deficient amount of red blood cells for critical functions, and the body does not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen.
When you cannot get enough oxygen to organs, they can become ischemic and do not function as well as they are designed to. When levels get critically low, critical functions of thinking, moving, or even having the heart pump, can stop.
What are Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia
Decreased Exercise Tolerance or Capacity
Mental Status Changes including Irritability, Short Temperament, Anxiety, or Depression
Restless Leg Syndrome
Pica (compulsion to eat non-food item)
Pagophagia (compulsion to eat ice)
Beeturia (reddish urine after eating beats)
Can an Iron Infusion Help Me?
An intravenous infusion is the insertion of a small needle into a vein to deliver fluids or medications directly into the blood stream and ensure 100% bioavailability. When oral supplementation has been deemed ineffective or too slow, an Iron IV infusion is very effective in quickly and efficiently restoring total body stores of iron, leading to symptomatic improvement.
An infusion of IV iron is a reliable option for clients who have have tried oral versions of iron (these can cause GI irritability and adverse symptoms in 20-66% of patients who start them) and dietary changes without robust improvement in their iron levels.
IV iron infusions are formulated to be readily absorbed by the body and can quickly boost iron levels. Most treatments are 600-1000mg over 3-5 treatment cycles, with additional blood work at the end of treatment to confirm results.
Do I need an IV Iron Infusion?
The most common reason that our clients need to receive IV therapy for Iron are:
Difficult time taking iron pills by mouth
Unable to tolerate the GI side effects of oral iron therapy
Malabsorption syndromes where iron supplements cannot be properly absorbed
They have chronic low grade blood loss and oral iron cannot keep pace with the losses.
They need to boost iron levels more quickly to prepare for a surgical procedure or to avoid complications of iron deficiency anemia.
How Many Iron IV Infusions Do I Need?
At ASAP IVs, rather than a one size fits all approach, we individualize the treatment for IV Iron needs. Your total body deficit of iron prior to starting treatment will dictate how much iron you need.
For more mild anemia, maintenance or during pregnancy one infusion may be enough. Typically the effects last 6-12 months, but if the reasons for anemia are short term, a maintenance dose is likely not indicated.
For moderate anemia that doesn't respond to oral supplements or dietary changes, 3 infusions is typical. An occasional maintenance dose may be needed every 6-12 months or longer, indicated by labs.
For severe anemia we typically recommend 5 infusions, with a potential maintenance dose every 3-6 months as indicated by labwork.
The impact of iron on energy levels isn't typically same-day, although you may feel energy from the extra hydration! The iron has to build new, healthy blood cells to oxygenate your tissues, so give the iron a week or two to work after your protocol before you assess your maintenance needs.
What are the Benefits of IV Iron Infusions?
Decreased fatigue and improved energy
Improved muscle strength (even in athletes)
Decreased mental fatigue, improved clarity and concentration
Better sleep
Ok, I am interested.
How Does the Process of Receiving an Iron IV with ASAP work?
1: Prior to Scheduling Your Infusion
There are many reasons for the symptoms associated with iron deficiency anemia, and prior to starting treatment, our medical team will check on your blood work to ensure that an IV Iron infusion is right for you.
We look at a complete blood count (CBC) and Serum Ferritin Level to determine the extent of iron deficiency and/or iron deficiency anemia.
If you already have these labs completed, we will have you email us the results prior to starting your treatment.
If you have not completed these baseline serum blood studies, but believe you have symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, you can have the labs ordered by your primary care physician, or we can work with you to obtain patient ordered/walk-in labs in your area.
The reason for the heightened level of concern, is that while IV Iron treatments are very safe, it is possible to supplement with too much iron, and lead to iron toxicity. Since this is something we would all like to avoid, examining your labs is the easiest option.
If you are feeling low energy or fatigue, and you don’t believe Iron Deficiency is the problem, we would be happy to help you schedule one of many other IV Vitamin Therapy treatments to get you the help you need, ASAP!
2: Is There Anything I Need to Do Prior to My IV?
You can eat and drink normally. There is no reason to fast or be “NPO” after midnight prior to an Iron IV. In fact, you can eat and drink during the IV. Having food in your system can help prevent nausea or discomfort during the IV.
Let our team know if you have previously had any significant allergic reactions, specifically to medications or previous iron infusions.
Take any medications normally as scheduled. There is no reason to hold any medication or supplement prior to getting an IV with us.
The infusion can take 30-60 minutes, so be prepared to relax and enjoy your time with us while you receive the IV. Feel free to bring a book or an iPad, so you can read or watch some Netflix during the IV.
3: What Happens During the IV Iron Treatment?
A member of our medical staff (a physician or nurse) will be with you for the entirety of the treatment, to insert and maintain the IV, as well as make sure you are comfortable during the treatment.
Before the Iron IV is started, our nurse will insert an IV catheter using a small (we only use 20 and 22 gauge IVs at ASAP, which are small enough for pediatric cases!) needle. Our team members are experts in comfortably inserting an IV!
We want you to be comfortable during your infusion. Our service is efficient, but you can still expect to spend 30-60 minutes in our clinic to receive the IV.
4: Anything I Need to Worry About After the IV?
There is minimal downtime after receiving an IV. Our medical team will carefully remove the IV, apply a bandage to hold compression over the site to minimize bruising, and make sure you are fully taken care of prior to leaving your appointment. The IV bandage can be safely removed after 30 minutes.
Side effects of Iron IVs are rare, and reported in <1% of patients. However, these can include:
elevated temperature, flushing, or fever on the night of the infusion
nausea or vomiting
muscle (neck and back) pain or cramps
shortness of breath
itchiness or rash
blood pressure changes
burning or swelling at injection site
If you experience any of these symptoms and are concerned, please feel free to give us a call.
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