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Tips for Success in the New Year

January is the season of goal-setting. It’s a fresh start for so many of us–a chance to grow, improve, and set some healthy habits! 

Whether you are hoping 2023 will be the year you cook more, exercise more frequently, travel to new places, or establish stronger work-life boundaries, we’ve got some tips to help you stick to those aspirations!

Make your goals S.M.A.R.T.

Perhaps you’ve heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals in the workplace. Cheesy acronyms aside, this is a usual tool for working towards a target, both in our professional lives as well as our personal lives. S.M.A.R.T. stands for

  • S=Specific

  • M=Measurable

  • A=Attainable

  • R=Realistic

  • T=Timely

These are the building blocks for success in goal-setting. Be clear in what you want to achieve, and set a deadline or checkpoint. For example, rather than “exercise more,” you could try “exercise three times a week for the next month.” With these parameters, you’ll be able to assess whether you’re on track to achieve this goal, and you’ve also built in a time to evaluate your progress to decide if the goal still works for you and your circumstances.

Track your progress

Building off the S.M.A.R.T. guidelines, it can be really motivating to visually track your progress. There are many apps out there that can help you do this. Some weekly planners or journals also include space to monitor these kinds of goals. Or, if you can’t find a system you like, make your own! As a former teacher, I’m a huge advocate of the magic of a sticker chart! 

Have an accountability system

While it’s sometimes easy to tell ourselves that we have perfect self control and discipline, I know for me at least, that’s rarely the case. An accountability partner or group can be a really useful tool, especially when life gets crazy and its tricky to prioritize. Are you working towards a 5k or other running event? Join a running group! Want to read more? Find a book club. Some people even use social media to create “accountability posts” to track and share whatever they’re working on. 

Create incentives

Just as important as deadlines are rewards. Give yourself something to look forward to when the going gets tough! Set milestones to celebrate the progress you’ve made.

These can be splurges–a fancy dinner or a special item you’ve had your eye on. They can be experiences–a show or a trip with a friend. Or maybe even something for self care or something that helps you toward your goal; IV therapy is a convenient, and health-oriented service that will help you feel great and ready for your next challenge.

Be flexible

And finally, give yourself some grace as you work towards your goal. In the words of Tony Robbins, “Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” 

Make a plan for how to recover if you get off track. Be forgiving of bad days or steps backward; you are only human and we all have them!

And if you decide this goal is no longer serving you or needs to be modified? That’s okay too. You know what’s best for you!

What are your resolutions this year?