Holiday Travel Tips

Whether you’re going home for the holidays or jetting off for an end-of-year vacation, many of us will spend some time over the next couple weeks in transit. Don’t let jet lag or airport germs interfere with your winter fun.

Follow these tips to make the most out of your getaway!

Hydrate–before and after travel!

You knew I was going to say it, right? But it’s true! Making sure your body has adequate hydration will help with your energy levels, among many other important health benefits! It can be tricky when you’re stuck on a plane, or even when you’re enjoying a jam-packed schedule at your travel destination.

Bring a refillable water bottle in your carry-on to use both after security check and throughout your trip.

Also, consider booking an IV before you travel–or even after arrival, if you are traveling to Arizona or California (check out all our locations here!). 

Mid-air self care

Resist the urge to answer emails or catch up on some work while on the plane! Really. Consider watching a movie, reading or listening to a book, or just chatting with your seatmates. Maybe even sneak in some airplane spa treatments with under-eye patches or a facemask to help combat that gross airplane feel when you land!

Mask and wash your hands!

It is flu season, and RSV and COVID continue to be substantial concerns. Airports and other travel centers are notorious for being incubators of sickness, so it doesn’t hurt to take precautions when spending time in these areas. Wash your hands often–not just after the restroom. Hand sanitizer is particularly handy in these cases. And though we are all sick of them, I’m sure, it’s not a bad idea to bust out those trusty face masks.

Where are you headed this holiday season?