IVs and New Year's Resolutions: New Year, Hydrated Me

New Year’s resolutions – you either love them or hate them (but, chances are, you’ve made them at least once in your life – even if keeping them is another story!). Health-related resolutions are among the most common goals set by Americans each year. From losing weight to exercising more to eating healthier, we tend to think of our physical health as the key to a “new year, new me.” 

And why shouldn’t we? Now, perhaps more than ever as we enter year three of this global pandemic, we are inundated with a variety of messages about our health and wellbeing. 

No matter what your resolution is – or if you even set one at all, here are a few quick ways IVs can help you feel like your best self as you start out a new year!

Hydration, hydration, hydration

There’s just no way around it. Our bodies need water – and lots of it. But fitting the recommended 10-15 cups of water a day into our daily schedules can be challenging. Timed reminders, checklists and fancy water bottles can certainly help us feel motivated and accountable, but from time to time we need a helping hand to get our body the amount of fluids we need for peak performance. While an in-home IV may not be a realistic option on a daily basis for most of us, it can definitely be a helpful addition on a particularly stressful week or leading up to strenuous physical activity. Whether you’re looking for a Basic IV Hydration Bag or one of our Athletic Drips (a Refuel bag with Total B Blend, for example, or the Performance bag packed with Vitamin C, B-Vitamins, Calcium, Magnesium, Amino Acids and Toradol), we’ve got an option to help you feel well-hydrated and ready to tackle any challenge! 

Boost your immune system to make time for the things you’re passionate about

There’s nothing that can throw you off your game quite like getting sick. While nothing can replace good nutrition, regular hand-washing, and, of course, the advice of a trusted medical professional when necessary, an IV can also be a useful tool to fend off some of those germs we encounter in our day-to-day lives. Our Wellness drips are designed for just this purpose; both the Immunity Booster and Vitamin C bags are loaded up with the nutrients your immune system needs.

Reduce brain fog and improve focus

Additionally, regular IV-usage has been linked with reduced brain fog and improved focus for recipients. Whether your goal this year is to finally nail down that promotion at work or master a new hobby, an IV might be the missing ingredient to help you on your way. Spring for a Basic Hydration bag, or splurge on something comprehensive like the ASAP Myer’s Cocktail (a classic blend of Vitamin C, ASAP Total B Blend, Calcium, and Magnesium) or the ASAP Works (which includes IV fluid, Vitamin C, Zinc, Glutathione, Total B-Vitamin Blend, Magnesium, Calcium, Amino Acids, and Toradol).

Non-health related perks!

Other common New Year’s resolutions include spending more time with loved ones, using social media less, and reading more. And guess what? You can work towards those goals too while rehydrate! Book a screen-free appointment with a friend or family member and enjoy some face-to-face quality time during the 30-45 minute appointment. Or you can even indulge in some “me” time and settle down with a good book or your favorite magazine! The multi-tasking possibilities are endless.

Share below! What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2022?