Pregnancy IV
San Diego, Phoenix, Scottsdale, San Francisco
ASAP IVs is the #1 provider of IV drip therapy for relief from pregnancy nausea, vomiting, and hyperemesis gravidarum in San Diego, Encinitas, Phoenix, Scottsdale, and San Francisco.
Are IVs Helpful for Pregnancy Nausea?
During pregnancy, the female body undergoes significant hormonal changes to support the growth and development of the fetus. The Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis generates hormones such as Gonadotropic Releasing Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Estrogen, and Progesterone, which are essential in maintaining and generating a pregnancy. However, these hormonal changes can cause nausea and vomiting, which is commonly known as Morning Sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Although it is called "Morning" sickness, these symptoms can occur at any time of the day, and many women experience discomfort throughout the day. The symptoms are usually the worst when HCG hormone levels are highest and tend to improve by the end of the first trimester. However, some women may continue to experience these symptoms throughout their pregnancy.
If you are experiencing severe nausea and vomiting, dehydration can occur, which can be harmful to you and your baby. At ASAP IVs, we offer Pregnancy IVs, which are specially formulated to provide hydration and essential nutrients to help alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness and dehydration. Our IV therapy can also help improve your energy levels, boost your immune system, and support your overall health during pregnancy.
We have co-authored a helpful blog article with an OB to provide valuable information and answer many common questions related to pregnancy and IV therapy. If you are pregnant and experiencing morning sickness, consider contacting ASAP IVs for Pregnancy IV therapy to alleviate your symptoms and help support a healthy pregnancy.
What is hyperemesis gravidarum?
Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a severe form of pregnancy related nausea and vomiting. This is more frequently associated with increased medical care, higher needs of hydration, and more frequent incidence of needing intravenous therapy.
It is astounding how many of our ASAP IVs clients didn’t know about our service before their treatment. They didn’t know that suffering in silence from food poisoning wasn’t the only treatment solution. Through our mobile IV therapy, we come to you to help you recover from food poisoning in the comfort of your own home, frequently in 30 minutes or less!
What is the Recommended IV for Pregnancy Nausea
Preventing dehydration and pounding fluids/electrolyte replacement drinks is very helpful and the mainstay of treatment, but getting a timely IV can help stave hours off of feeling miserable. PO hydration (or orally drinking fluids and electrolyte replacement drinks like Gatorade/Powerade/Pedialyte) doesn’t help much when the nausea/vomiting prevents you from keeping and of it down. Significant dehydration can even lead to acute kidney injury or pre-renal azotemia.
Through consultation with our Obstetrician colleagues, we have developed our Pregnancy IV at ASAP IVs. This has been specifically formulated to help with the symptoms of pregnancy nausea/vomiting or hyperemesis gravidarum and has been reviewed to be pregnancy safe. The vitamins and medications will help reduce your worst symptoms and increase your energy so you can feel better ASAP and carry on with your life!
Our custom formulated Pregnancy IV costs $185 and includes:
One Liter of IV Fluid
B-Complex (Contains B-Vitamins 1, 2 ,3 ,5 ,6)
Anti-nausea medication (called Ondansetron or Zofran)
The cost of this IV package is all inclusive, and there are no standard travel fees to any of our mobile IV therapy cities!
Price savings may be available at our local clinic, depending on location.
We offer this IV throughout all of our treatment areas, including Phoenix, Scottsdale, San Diego, Encinitas, and the greater San Francisco Bay Area.
With IV therapy solutions available for clinic or mobile appointments, ASAP IVs has the solutions for you to feel better faster.
Need IV therapy support fast? ASAP IVs can travel directly to you for in-home appointments.
When should I be worried about my morning sickness symptoms? When can they become problematic?
Symptoms can range in their intensity from mild to severe. Some symptoms which should alert you to discussion with a medical professional may include:
Increased frequency of vomiting, especially daily vomiting. If symptoms are so severe that there is any amount of bright red, or dark red, blood in the emesis, you should immediately get in touch with a professional.
Decreased urine output, or urine which is much darker than usual.
Are unable to keep down fluids when drinking them. Especially if this is leading to weight loss. If symptoms are significant enough to cause dehydration, they can lead to symptoms such as tachycardia (increased heart rate), hypotension (low blood pressure), concentrated or dark urine, or postural syncope (dizziness or fainting when standing up too quickly).
Have abdominal pain, cramps, or any kind of vaginal discharge or bleeding.
If symptoms are so significant that you cannot keep down oral fluids, you will need to be evaluated by a medical professional. Prompt evaluation should be performed on Labor and Delivery to ensure that you do not have electrolyte imbalances that could affect you or your baby. Following a reassuring medical evaluation, if you continue to have significant nausea/vomiting, your obstetrician may recommend scheduled IV fluid infusions to prevent ongoing dehydration.
This is what we specialize in at ASAP IVs. We provide on-demand IV therapy solutions to you in the comfort of your own home. We can provide same day appointments, which are frequently much faster and more cost-effective than going to the emergency department, urgent care, or infusion centers.
As a disclaimer, our IV therapy is not a substitute for complete and initial medical evaluation. Fluid shifts and overload are common problems in pregnancy (especially in patients with other high risk medical issues); therefore, you should only begin a scheduled IV fluid hydration regimen under the recommendation of an obstetric medical provider. Do not be afraid to discuss any symptoms with your medical provider or Obstetrician.
What medications can I take to help my symptoms? Which medications are safe during pregnancy?
There are several medications which can be helpful with morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum, and which are also usually safe to take during pregnancy. Some of these medications are:
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Anti-Histamines such as: Diphenhydramine (known as Benadryl) and Meclizine (known as Dramamine) or Doxylamine. These can be effective with nausea, and can also lead to sedation or sleepiness.
Ondansetron (known as Zofran). This is a serotonin based medication which is provided in the oral-dissolving form, intramuscular injection, or intravenous injection.
Although not medications, there are pressure points on the inner side of the wrist which can be activated through “acupressure” bands or Acupuncture, which can help alleviate the symptoms of pregnancy. These pressure points can also be used during surgical cases or with general anesthesia to help reduce the symptoms of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Discuss with a medical professional to see if Acupuncture therapy could help you with your morning sickness symptoms.
Pregnancy can be an exciting and transformative time for women, but it can also come with its fair share of challenges. One of the most common and unpleasant symptoms experienced during pregnancy is nausea and vomiting, which can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. For women who suffer from severe nausea and vomiting, known as hyperemesis gravidarum, intravenous therapy can provide relief. The Pregnancy IV is a specialized intravenous therapy designed to alleviate pregnancy-related symptoms while providing essential nutrients to support maternal and fetal health.
What is the Pregnancy IV?
The Pregnancy IV is an advanced intravenous therapy designed specifically for pregnant women who suffer from nausea and vomiting. The therapy delivers a blend of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes directly into the bloodstream to support maternal and fetal health. The therapy is administered by a trained medical professional in a safe and controlled environment.
How does the Pregnancy IV work?
The Pregnancy IV works by delivering essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, allowing for rapid absorption and immediate effects. The therapy is formulated to reduce nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy while also supporting maternal and fetal health. The therapy can help to alleviate symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum and prevent dehydration and malnutrition, which can lead to further complications.
What are the benefits of the Pregnancy IV?
The Pregnancy IV offers numerous benefits for pregnant women suffering from nausea and vomiting. The therapy can help to alleviate symptoms, prevent dehydration and malnutrition, and promote overall health and wellbeing. The therapy can also reduce the risk of complications associated with hyperemesis gravidarum, such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and maternal morbidity. Additionally, the Pregnancy IV can help to improve energy levels and reduce fatigue, allowing pregnant women to better manage the demands of pregnancy.
Who can benefit from the Pregnancy IV?
The Pregnancy IV is suitable for pregnant women who suffer from nausea and vomiting, particularly those with hyperemesis gravidarum. The therapy can also benefit women who are at risk of dehydration and malnutrition due to severe vomiting or inability to tolerate oral intake. Additionally, women who have a history of preterm birth or low birth weight may benefit from the therapy as it can help to reduce the risk of complications associated with these conditions.
In conclusion, the Pregnancy IV is an innovative intravenous therapy that can provide relief from pregnancy-related symptoms while supporting maternal and fetal health. The therapy is safe, effective, and suitable for pregnant women suffering from nausea and vomiting, particularly those with hyperemesis gravidarum. By delivering essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, the Pregnancy IV can help to reduce the severity of symptoms, prevent complications, and promote overall health and wellbeing.
IV drip therapy for pregnancy nausea relief can help you feel better faster. Our team of expert nurses comes to you to for mobile IV therapy.
Call Us Now to Schedule an IV Treatment
It is exciting to be pregnant, but not so thrilling to have pregnancy nausea! Luckily, ASAP IVs is here for you, and our team of trained medical professions will come directly to you in the comfort of your own home for mobile IV therapy. Our team of physicians and nurses can be at your doorstep typically within an hour of scheduling your appointment!
When you lack the strength to get off the couch, ASAP IVs provides mobile IV therapy drips for reducing bad nausea symptoms and will help you feel better faster. Call us today and we will help you feel better ASAP!
Give us a call or text us today.
San Diego: 619-431-1714
Scottsdale: 619-431-1714
San Francisco: 415-295-2316
You can also schedule your in-home IV or clinic IV therapy online!