Get Over Food Poisoning Fast with an ASAP Recovery IV

It’s not glamorous, but it is common. Yep, we’re going there. Food poisoning. 

You ate something that didn’t sit well with you, and now you’re left to suffer the consequences. The most common symptoms of food poisoning include: 

  • Stomach cramps

  • Abdominal discomfort

  • Bloating

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Mild fever

And though food poisoning typically resolves itself–once it, ahem, works its way through your system–it’s not exactly pleasant to wait out these uncomfortable symptoms. 

Hydration is the number one way to manage your food poisoning symptoms, and while that can include copious amounts of water and electrolyte drinks, IVs are by far the most efficient way to replenish the fluids in your body since nausea and vomiting often interfere with the effectiveness of orally consuming fluids.

We recommend scheduling an in-home IV as early as possible after you begin experiencing the symptoms of food poisoning. Starting fluid replacement early, or stopping the nausea in its tracks with anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medications can prevent you from feeling the worst of the symptoms. It can also reduce downtime from the illness and get you feeling better faster.

We also recommend our ASAP Recovery IV, as this has been specifically formulated to help with the symptoms and get you on the road to recovery fast.  The vitamins and medications in this drip will help reduce your worst symptoms and increase your energy so you can feel better ASAP and carry on with your life!

Our custom formulated ASAP Recovery IV costs $205 and includes:

  • One Liter of IV Fluid

  • B-12

  • Magnesium

  • Anti-nausea medication (called Ondansetron or Zofran)

  • Toradol (also known as Ketorolac)

And best of all, if you’re feeling like you don’t want to stray too far from the couch, bed, or bathroom, we’ll come to you!

For more information on how our ASAP Recovery IV can help you in this situation, click here!