Surviving the Summer Heat

Summer time often means a lot of fun things like pool time, vacations and barbecues. What it also means, however, is our hottest temperatures of the year — especially for those of us here in the southwest who frequently endure triple-digit heat. While enjoying all your summer activities, it is essential that you stay hydrated.

Here are a few easy ways to make sure your body is getting what it needs to thrive all summer long!

Add supplements to your water

Though recommended daily water intake can vary slightly based on your weight and activity level, most experts recommend somewhere around a half gallon of water a day. While certainly a great goal, this may not be realistic for you every single day! Electrolyte supplements like Liquid IV or Pedialyte or sports drinks can help you get more bang for your buck on a more strenuous day or on a day when you might fall a little behind on your water goals. 

Eat food with high water-content

Your diet also plays a big role in keeping you hydrated. Many fruit — like watermelon, tomatoes, strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches and oranges — have upwards of 88% water content. Lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini and celery are good examples of greens that contain lots of water. Finally, plain yogurt, skim milk, and cottage cheese are all dairy products that are water-rich.

And of course, get an IV!

Last, but certainly not least, IV therapy is an excellent option for those scorching hot days in the sun! Depending on your level of activity, a Basic Hydration, Refuel or Performance drip might be just the thing you need either before or after some serious heat exposure.

However you choose to do it, be safe this summer, pay attention to heat advisories, and stay aware of heat exhaustion symptoms like cramps, headaches, dizziness, cramping, nausea and/or pale, clammy skin.