ASAP IVs - IV Hydration Experts of San Diego, Phoenix, Scottsdale, San Francisco

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Holiday Self-Care

For many, the holidays are a joyful season packed with family time, fun traditions, and general merrymaking.

But I suspect, for many of us too, the holidays are also busy, stressful, and a tad chaotic.

They can absolutely be both: enjoyable and challenging – which is why it is especially important to prioritize self-care at this time of year. Don’t let winter burnout keep you from enjoying the festivities. Below, find 4 quick tips for self care to help you make the most of the holiday season! 

Make a List, Check it Twice

Don’t let the Christmas scaries sneak up on you. Take some time at the beginning of the month to make your lists: What events do you plan on attending? Who do you need to shop for? What traditions do you want to prioritize? It’s impossible to do it all, but it will help you make sure nothing important gets forgotten to organize your schedules and tasks before they get (too) overwhelming. 

Focus on Being Present, Rather than Buying Presents

In our social media-obsessed world, it is super easy to get caught up in the world behind a screen rather than the one happening right in front of us. And while it can be nice to use our technology to stay in touch with loved ones who can’t be with us for the holidays, I think we all know there comes a time when phones are more of a distraction than anything else! Set limits for how you want to use your device during special moments. Designate one person to take pictures or set a timer for pictures – and after that, PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY! Make a concentrated effort to enjoy what’s happening around you rather than obsessing over the perfect Instagram photo or live-Tweeting.

The Weather Outside Might be Frightful, but Try to get Outside

With the shorter days and colder weather, many people find themselves affected by SAD – seasonal affective disorder. It’s more than just holiday stress – though that certainly doesn’t help. Our bodies are affected by the lack of sunlight and vitamin D, and this can lead to feelings of depression, sluggishness, and difficulty concentrating. Fresh air and sunlight – when possible – can help alleviate some of these symptoms, so it’s worth the extra effort to get outdoors when you can! (Though please note, if these symptoms persist and/or worsen, you should absolutely talk to your doctor!)

Don’t Forget about the Ho-Ho-H20

Many of us assume our health and wellness will fall by the wayside during the holidays, what with the shorter days and abundance of sweet treats – but that doesn’t have to be the case! There are some easy things we can do to prioritize our health during this time, starting with the most important: hydration! It is easy to forget about drinking your daily intake of water as you’re running around attending parties, putting up decorations, or shopping – but luckily for you, that’s where ASAPIVs comes in! We have a variety of IV drips specially designed to meet your needs and keep you feeling your best. For example, the Hangover Recovery, loaded up with both anti-nausea and anti-inflammation medications, will keep you feeling your best even after a late night of holly, jolly fun. The Immune Booster and the Immune Recovery can help you out during the inevitable pitfalls of flu season and winter colds – both before and after you fall ill! Want to customize your own mix? You can even have a Basic Hydration Bag and select your own add-ons to make sure it’s exactly what you need; think of it as a Christmas Wish List for your body! 

Comment below to share your favorite tips for a restful, safe, and happy holiday season!