ASAP IVs - IV Hydration Experts of San Diego, Phoenix, Scottsdale, San Francisco

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Can the ASAP Myers’ Cocktail Rejuvenate Your Skin?

Is IV Therapy Useful for Improving Skin Health?

Article Written By: Vanya Isaac

Peer Reviewed By: Dr. Taylor J. Graber MD

Date Updated: November 16th, 2021

We had the pleasure of working with Vanya Isaac, who worked with us helping to inform you, our clients, of the potential benefits of the ASAP Myer’s Cocktail. Enjoy!

What is IV Hydration Therapy?

The beauty industry has come a long way, and procedures have been developing extensively in recent years. The Myers’ Cocktail (formulated by ASAP IVs as the ASAP Myer’s Cocktail) and other IV drips aren’t anything new. They have been frequently used, particularly among celebrities, since the early 2010s; Brad Pitt, Madonna, and Rihanna are all known to get drips regularly. Thanks to its convenience and health benefits, reports say that the growth of the IV therapy industry will grow even more popular over the next several years. With the on-demand scheduling that ASAP IVs offers, you’re probably wondering what the benefits of a Myers Cocktail are. Here’s everything you need to know.

What is the ASAP Myer’s Cocktail IV?

Developed by its namesake, Dr. John Myers, the Myers Cocktail has been around for about 50 years. Myers created the infusion of selected key vitamins (Ascorbic Acid aka Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, and B-Vitamins), and to this day it serves as the common blueprint for modern treatments. It was adapted by ASAP IVs in 2019 through discussion with Dr. Graber and their pharmacist team as the ASAP Myer’s Cocktail.

How is the ASAP Myers’ Cocktail administered?

The ASAP Myer’s Cocktail is to be administered intravenously into the body. This means that a small needle is inserted into a vein, where a small plastic tube (called the IV catheter) is left behind which can be attached to plastic tubing and ultimately a bag of IV fluid. This can also be called an IV cocktail or drip. Because the treatment goes straight to the bloodstream, you want to ensure it is delivered safely and cleanly, using aseptic technique by trained professionals. ASAP IVs specifically staffs its team with a team of excellent registered nurses who are legally registered with the board in the state in which they practice, and they are overseen by medical doctors (namely the founder, an anesthesiologist Dr. Taylor Graber).

This means these professionals have the skills to provide holistic care to their clients. Moreover, they can apply evidence-based research to their everyday practices, ensuring that they are up-to-date on trends and findings within the IV therapy niche. Finally, these professionals also have specialized training in intravenous therapy and will be able to answer any additional questions you may have about the procedure. At ASAP IVs, if you are ever have a particular question during your IV therapy, your nurse will be present during the entirety of the treatment, and would be happy to help! Transparency is a big part of the treatment, and a company that knows its business well will be more than willing to discuss the ins and outs of IV drips. Beware of the company which over-hypes and under-delivers.

What are the possible skin benefits of the ASAP Myers’ Cocktail?

Boosting Collagen Production

The Myers’ formulated by ASAP IVs includes ascorbic acid (also known as Vitamin C). Vitamin C is already well-known as a skincare ingredient that protects skin against sun damage and skin cancer. It can also help your skin appearance-wise by reversing discoloration and wrinkles. The Vitamin C in a Myers Cocktail is integral in the production of collagen, which can help the skin look fresh. The ASAP formulation includes high levels of antioxidants which can increase the resiliency of the hair, skin, and nails.


Our bodies accumulate toxins and impurities as we age. These can slow down one’s metabolism as well as skin cell turnover. And given that our nutrient levels drop over the years, it's vital to detoxify our bodies and keep our nutrition up. This is where the ASAP Myers’ is helpful. The vitamin blend includes Vitamin C and B-Complex (especially B5, also called pantothenic acid), which are detoxifiers that help fight free radicals and remove toxins from our bodies, leading to rejuvenated skin. Many of their clients additionally include Glutathione as an optional add-on, to further boost the anti-oxidant properties of the infusion.

Nutrient provision

One of the top benefits of a Myers Cocktail is the instant effect. Because it is an IV or an intra-vascular treatment, its contents are directly incorporated into the blood supply and to the heart. This makes it the fastest and most direct way to get fluid and medication to the desired location. Vitamin C, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, and Calcium help to improve overall health, energy levels, mood, and metabolism much quickly as compared to other oral supplements. A healthier body also means a healthier complexion.

Is the Myers Cocktail IV drip worth it? If you’re looking for an instant health and beauty booster in one, it might be exactly what you need. To see what IV therapies we offer, check out our products and services page or click here to schedule directly.