All About NAD+

Have you ever wondered why your toddler has nonstop energy, and you’re dragging by 3pm even with a dose of your favorite caffeinated beverage? 

It’s not just your imagination, don’t worry. There’s a scientific reason for this disparate levels of energy–and, fortunately, we’ve got a remedy too!

Let’s talk about NAD+ IV therapy!

What is NAD+?

NAD+ stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, and it is used in multiple cellular processes, notably by the mitochondria in energy production. 

We have the highest levels of NAD+ as infants and children, and it decreases naturally as we become adults. This is part of the reason that children have so much energy, as they have a higher metabolism and higher energy production at the cellular level from NAD+.

What are the benefits of NAD+ therapy?

The main benefit of NAD+ is increased energy. Additional benefits can include improved reaction time, assistance in muscle recovery and repair post workout, supplemented health of hair, skin and nails, and improved cognitive function.

For more details on NAD+, check out this blog post here.

How do I book my NAD+ appointment?

NAD+ is available at our San Diego, San Francisco, Encinitas and Scottsdale Clinics.

Our NAD+ drips are administered in a one-liter bag of IV fluid. Our providers are experts in your comfort, and will be actively monitoring you for safety. Our NAD+ infusions are administered over 1.5-2.5 hours, depending on each client.

NAD+ — 250mg


Our low dose option for clients with known sensitivities to NAD+

NAD+ — 500mg


Our GOLD standard dosage for NAD+ IVs at ASAP.

NAD+ — 750mg


Our most elite dosage of NAD+, recommended for clients with a history of receiving NAD+ or have specialized therapeutic needs.