Cold and Flu Season: How IVs can Help

It happens every year, but that doesn’t make it easier. You know what I’m talking about: cold and flu season. 

With the start of a new school year and the changing of seasons, germs are flying about everywhere. And, of course, in our current climate of COVID precautions, that can often entail a variety of other challenges from masking, to quarantining, and so much more.

Here are a few tips to help you out this cold and flu season!

Wash your hands!

It’s no secret, but it’s worth reiterating! Washing your hands regularly–especially after the bathroom, coughing or snoozing, or touching highly-trafficked surfaces–is the best and easiest way to fight off the influx of germs we are surrounded by at this time of year! 

Whatever trick you use (singing “Happy Birthday” or “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” it’s recommended you wash your hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds each time.

Take precautions if you are sick

If you do suspect you’ve caught a bug, be considerate of those around you. If possible, stay home. If that is not possible, consider masking or practicing social distancing.

Taking a COVID test when you begin to feel symptoms of an illness is also becoming a pandemic-era practice that can help you keep others safe around you.

Vaccinate, if applicable

If you haven't already, talk to your doctor about getting a flu shot, a COVID vaccine or a booster to help your body fend off whatever strains of common disease are prominent this year!

Prioritize rest and nutrition

This tip isn’t exclusive to cold and flu season, of course, but it does become especially vital when you are surrounded by illnesses. Doing what you can to get hours of rest each night and eating meals that are full of nutrition can go a long way towards helping your body and immune system operate at their best. 


Finally, one more tip that is good year-round (and our personal favorite strategy): hydration! Whether you’re hoping to maintain your good health, fighting off a bug, or on the road to recovery, keeping your body adequately hydrated will do wonders for your wellbeing. That means drinking water throughout the day–maybe even a supplement or sports drink too–and booking an IV appointment too, to get that extra boost. Consider one of our Wellness Drips–either an Immunity Booster or Vitamin C– or the Elite ASAP Immune Recovery Drip to truly thrive rather than just survive this cold and flu season.

What are your favorite tips for fighting off seasonal illnesses?