ASAP IVs - IV Hydration Experts of San Diego, Phoenix, Scottsdale, San Francisco

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Pregnancy and IVs

Pregnancy changes a person’s body in countless ways throughout the nine months of gestation (and don’t even get me started on postpartum!). Though many of these changes are necessary, and even fun, there are certainly a fair amount that are challenging and physically taxing. 

One of the most common symptoms is morning sickness (spoiler alert: it rarely comes in the morning, and often is an all-day experience). Yes, it is temporary,  and for most people, goes away by the first trimester. But also–who likes being nauseous for prolonged periods of time? 

We’ve got you covered. We’ve got a Pregnancy IV perfectly designed to help you feel your best during the important time in your life.

All About the Pregnancy IV

Ask pretty much any doctor, and they’ll tell you how important hydration is during pregnancy. Not only with our IVs replenish your fluids, but the Pregnancy IV is specifically designed and OB-approved to mitigate the affects of morning sickness. Our custom formulated Pregnancy IV comes with one liter of IV fluid, B complex (contains B-Vitamins 1, 2 ,3 ,5 ,6), and anti-nausea medication (called Ondansetron or Zofran. This IV has been specifically formulated to help with the symptoms of pregnancy and has been reviewed to be pregnancy safe.  

The vitamins and medications will help reduce your worst symptoms and increase your energy so you can feel better ASAP and carry on with your life!

For more information on IVs during pregnancy, check out this blog we co-authored with an OBGYN!

Speaking from personal experience

Taking off my metaphorical blogger hat and slapping on my super cool, mother-of-two cap for a hot minute, I used IVs regularly during my second pregnancy when I was teaching full time, raising my two-year-old, and suffering from extreme morning sickness. I had multiple days where I couldn’t fathom leaving the house because I was so nauseous (and of course, dehydration has a snowball effect because the more vomiting I did, the more dehydrated I became, which led to additional nausea). I called ASAP IVs for mobile services from the comfort of my couch and pajamas. They were courteous, comforting and efficient (especially given my frazzled and fragile state), and had me feeling so much better–especially since I couldn’t keep down bottles of water or Gatorade. An IV was my only option (my doctor had suggested I go to an Urgent Care) and I was so thankful that I could have nurses come to me for a reasonable rate.

What questions do you have about pregnancy and IVs? Post them in the comments!