ASAP IVs - IV Hydration Experts of San Diego, Phoenix, Scottsdale, San Francisco

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Hangovers and IVs

Dry January has come to a close, the Super Bowl is just around the corner. It’s the perfect time to talk about a pesky little ailment mankind has tried to cure and prevent since the dawn of time. Hangovers. 

Headaches. Nausea and vomiting. Dry mouth. If you are someone who consumes alcohol, chances are you’re familiar with this particular condition. And maybe you have some tried and true treatments, whether that’s an over-the-counter painkiller or a greasy burger. Or maybe you’re looking for something new to help you either avoid or quickly recover from a hangover! Either way, we’ve got ya covered. 

Which IV is best for a hangover?

We’ve got an IV specifically designed to treat hangovers. Yep, it’s called the Hangover IV! This IV Includes fluid therapy to treat dehydration, a powerful anti-nausea medication called Zofran, as well as antiinflammatory medication to help with muscle and joint aches.

The ASAP Recovery IV will also get you back in tip top shape in no time. Think of this bad boy as a “reset” button after a long night out. It has everything the Hangover drip offers, plus B12 for an energy boost and Magnesium to put last night in the past. This is also the drip we recommend simple headaches, migraines and GI issues.

Which hangover symptoms will an IV help with?

As mentioned above, IVs will quickly help rehydrate you. Dehydration contributes to the vast majority of unpleasant hangover symptoms since alcohol impacts the fluid balance of your body by inhibiting the anti-diuretic hormone  inhibiting the anti-diuretic hormone ADH) which leads to over excretion of water and dehydration. You can read more about this here! This, plus nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or just not feeling well, also leads to a decreased oral fluid intake and fast dehydration symptoms. 

Additionally, both our Recovery Drips, we’ve got additives to both help resolve nausea and reduce inflammation, aches and pains. 

Why is an IV the best solution for a hangover?

The fact of the matter is hangovers will go away eventually. You have many options available to you for treatments and that, plus time, means sooner or later you will be back to normal. 

However, if you’d rather feel good sooner rather than later, an IV is your best bet! 

ASAP IVs makes hangover recoveryconvenient. Our nurse will come directly to you–which means you may not even have to leave the couch to get the treatment your body needs!  Our IVs provide you with fluid, medications, and vitamins directly into your bloodstream, where your heart will pump them directly to the tissues where they are needed. Most people report feeling better within 30-45 minutes!

Don’t delay in feeling better ASAP! Book an appointment today.