ASAP IVs - IV Hydration Experts of San Diego, Phoenix, Scottsdale, San Francisco

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Back-to-School Season and IV Therapy

Even though these hot summer temperatures will likely stick around for a few more weeks—especially here in the Southwest, summer vacation is quickly drawing to a close and back-to-school season is now upon us. An IV appointment can be just the thing to help you feel ready for all the fun and challenges of starting a new school year!

College Students

From dorm move-in to trekking across campus for those afternoon classes to tailgates and social settings, the college experience can take a lot out of you! Don’t let dehydration stop you from living out your school spirit. Add IV therapy to your schedule to ensure you’re ready for late night study sessions, football games, pizza night at the dining hall and whatever else this semester has to throw at you!


As a former teacher myself, I know firsthand there is no tired quite like first-week-of-school-teacher tired. Adjusting back to those long days on your feet after summer vacation is always exhausting—not to mention the mental load of meeting all new students and all the other tasks involved with getting your classroom and curriculum ready to go! And of course, I won’t even mention all the new germs! Book an IV appointment in those first few days or weeks of school can help keep your body performing at its best at a time when it is both so hard and so important! 


You’ve done it! You’ve survived another summer at home with your kids! Celebrate with a little self care as you restore some balance to your life after weeks of endless snacks, late nights, pool dates, and hearing “I’m bored” a couple dozen times a day. Some IV therapy is a great way to reclaim that quiet time you’ve likely been missing! Hydrating will help you not only recover from those long days chasing little ones, but also help you feel ready to support them as they take on the challenges of a new grade!

What are you doing to get you and your family ready for a new school year?